
Prayers for Harmony

Prayers for Harmony

Morning Prayer


Help me shape my goals so they all point to living in sync with you.

This morning holds every promise. 

As I open my eyes I encounter you first, Lord. 

The advancing light creates an eager readiness in me to receive you anew. 

My awakening consciousness reminds me that my only agenda today is to be in harmony with you alone. 

You are my companion all day long; your light guides me and heals my ____________. 

Help me find solace in your harmony as the central principle of my life. 

Give me the internal harmony so peace can grow verdantly in the sacred garden at my core. 

Help me shape my goals so they all point to living in sync with you.

You are the cohesiveness of my heart and the glue holding my will together.

Harmony creates the strong bond that keeps me close to you and helps me take on your goals as my own. 


Listen to Dr. Johnson reading the morning prayer for Harmony.