- Uncovers the "who" you authentically are.
- Provides a practical template for spiritual growth and healing.
- Gives a Christ-centered framework so you can better see the 'mystery of God's action.'
- Helps spiritual seekers embrace hope and possibilities -- the unpredictable work of the Holy Spirit...
- Prompts fundamental change, not simply adjustment.
- Aids in your search for significance -- the fundamental need for meaning.
- Gives a graphic picture of how spiritual imbalance can block the flow of grace.
- Introduces you to new vistas of self-knowledge and self-understanding heretofore unimaginable with such accuracy.
- Gives you the insight to construct new personality coherence – bringing all the disparate parts of your personality together into a harmonious whole.
- Helps you to live in the paradox of life that ultimately fosters true transformation, forgiveness, and the personal newness called healing.
The SSP has found other areas of healing where it can be helpful...
- Christian Counseling of all types
- Parish Nursing
- Servant Leadership
- Weight Loss and Management
- Christian Coaching
- "VirtueWorks" -Virtue based literature choices for grade school, middle school, high school, and adults
- Marriage Enrichment and Counseling
- Spiritual Direction
- Chaplaincy
- Spiritual Deepening
Take the Spiritual Strengths Profile